* Sends a form-encoded HTTP(S) POST to a given URL.
* Returns a string containing the response.
* If response code is not 200, throws an error msg.
function SendHttpPost($url,$content)
$context_options = array(
'header'=> "User-Agent: {$this->useragent}\r\n".
"Content-type: text/xml\r\n".
"Content-length: " . strlen($content) . "\r\n"
'content'=> $content
// Make sure the HTTPS options are the same as HTTP
$context_options['https'] = $context_options['http'];
$context = stream_context_create($context_options);
echo 'context:'.var_export($context_options,true);
$fp = fopen($url, 'r', false, $context);
// Get the response...
$response = '';
/* For HTTPS, IIS closes the SSL socket improperly hence
* generating a warning. We want to suppress this, as some
* servers will be doing this.
* see http://uk.php.net/manual/en/wrappers.http.php
$old_error_reporting = error_reporting();
error_reporting($old_error_reporting & ~E_WARNING);
// Get the headers
$metadata = stream_get_meta_data($fp);
foreach($metadata['wrapper_data'] as $responseheader) {
// Look for the status header...
if (substr($responseheader,0,5) == 'HTTP/') {
$bits = split(' ', $responseheader);
$httpstatus = (int) $bits[1];
$httpstatusmessage = $responseheader;
// There is no need to check the HTTP status, as fopen wrapper
// that for us anyway.
// Read the the response data
while (!feof($fp)) {
$response .= fread($fp, 8192);
return $response;
function query() {
$args = func_get_args();
$method = array_shift($args);
$request = new IXR_Request($method, $args);
$length = $request->getLength();
$xml = $request->getXml();
// Modification from Original ------------------
// $r = "\r\n";
// $request = "POST {$this->path} HTTP/1.0$r";
// $request .= "Host: {$this->server}$r";
// $request .= "Content-Type: text/xml$r";
// $request .= "User-Agent: {$this->useragent}$r";
// $request .= "Content-length: {$length}$r$r";
// $request .= $xml;
// // Now send the request
// if ($this->debug) {
// echo '
// }
// $fp = @fsockopen($this->server, $this->port);
// if (!$fp) {
// $this->error = new IXR_Error(-32300, 'transport error - could not open socket');
// return false;
// }
// fputs($fp, $request);
// $contents = '';
// $gotFirstLine = false;
// $gettingHeaders = true;
// while (!feof($fp)) {
// $line = fgets($fp, 4096);
// if (!$gotFirstLine) {
// // Check line for '200'
// if (strstr($line, '200') === false) {
// $this->error = new IXR_Error(-32300, 'transport error - HTTP status code was not 200');
// return false;
// }
// $gotFirstLine = true;
// }
// if (trim($line) == '') {
// $gettingHeaders = false;
// }
// if (!$gettingHeaders) {
// $contents .= trim($line)."\n";
// }
// }
// end of Modification from Original ------------------
if ($this->debug) {
echo 'server:'.$this->server.'
'.htmlspecialchars( $xml)."\n\n\n";
// Add new function to send HTTP Post
if ($this->debug) {
echo '
// Now parse what we've got back
$this->message = new IXR_Message($contents);
if (!$this->message->parse()) {
// XML error
$this->error = new IXR_Error(-32700, 'parse error. not well formed');
return false;
// Is the message a fault?
if ($this->message->messageType == 'fault') {
$this->error = new IXR_Error($this->message->faultCode, $this->message->faultString);
return false;
// Message must be OK
return true;
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